Managing my blog

Now that I have used Microsoft Windows Live Writer and WordPress for a few days, I want to state my enthusiasm! I’ve found Live Writer to provide most of the features I want, and some really nice features that Word 2007 doesn’t provide like extensibility and setting publish dates in the future. I’ve installed a useful plug-in for pasting code from visual studio. I love the way Live Writer creates thumbnail previews of my pictures in my post. It has an extremely smooth setup process with WordPress, as well.

I’m still trying to pick a theme that works well, and isn’t too distracting. I’m sure this will change again. Pasting code from Visual Studio that is too wide, tends to get hidden, so I either have to use some tricky coding, or shorten any offending lines. It is helpful that Live Writer shows me a preview of how my post will appear. I hope WordPress ads don’t start appearing all over my pages, but I’m taking this risk.

I can say that I’m excited about this new setup.